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Scholarships, Fellowships and Grants

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Influenster’s 2020 Women in STEM scholarship -- November 22, 2019 deadline

As a female-led tech company, Influenster has a responsibility to uplift women in tech fields and create opportunities to encourage and empower future female leaders. That’s why we will be awarding five $1,000 scholarships to five outstanding full-time female undergraduate or graduate students pursuing a technical field of study. Check the website for detail.

Cargill Schloarship Application Open

Current freshman and sophomore students who demonstrate exemplary academic achievement and leadership potential are encouraged to apply.


The Cargill Global Scholars Program is a distinctive, 2-year scholarship and enrichment program providing financial support, mentorship, and the unique opportunity for U.S. college students to travel to two leadership development seminars, including meeting fellow Global Scholars from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and Russia. To learn more about the Cargill Global Scholars Program and to start an application, please visit the Cargill website. The application deadline is Friday, March 1, 2019.   Contact or call 1-844-803-9887 for any questions.


Scholarship for UGs in Semiconductor/Nano Fields

Critical Systems is now offering the Breakthrough Technologies Scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to 3rd or 4th year engineering/science students pursuing a career in Semiconductor and related specialty areas such as Nanotechnology, MEMS, Solar PV, Thin Film, or other advanced technologies. There are currently 2 scholarships being awarded annually – one Summer Award, and one Winter Award. The purpose is to help those students to meet the financial requirements as they pursue their degree, over and above any financial aid or other scholarships that they may receive.

Find more at the CSE Scholarship website

Engineers in the Arts Scholarship

Sponsored by the School of Engineering to encourage engineering students to continue their music studies while at Stanford. To be considered, applicants must be officially declared in the School of Engineering (graduate or undergraduate programs). The fund is for private music lessons and the applicant must be in financial need. For more information and an application to to the Scholarship Friends of Music at Stanford site. Questions may be directed to Rowan Leigh at

Braun Music Center
541 Lasuen Mall

Haas Center Public Service Fellowships

For public service opportunities, visit the Haas Center's Fellowships Database.

For more information, go to the Haas Center website.

Haas Center Undergraduate Summer Fellowships

Offering over 100 fellowships which provide nine-week-long public service experiences in the U.S. and abroad.

Contact: Jeff Hawthorne

Stanford in Government (SIG) Summer Fellowships

SIG is a non-partisan student group, dedicated to promoting political awareness and connecting students with opportunities in public service. SIG offers 40 paid fellowships annually and this year is launching a stipend program to support students with self-identified public service internships.