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Exploring Engineering Courses

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How to Explore Engineering by Topic

Introductory Seminars

Freshman and Sophomore IntroSems are designed to explore a topic that often isn't otherwise part of the curriculum for a particular major, and do it with a faculty instructor in a small-class setting. 

Engineering Fundamentals by Topic


ENGR 21. (3) A high-level look at techniques for analyzing and designing complex, multidisciplinary engineering systems, such as aircraft, spacecraft, automobiles, power plants, cellphones, robots, biomedical devices, and many others.

BioE and/or ChemE

ENGR 20. (3 units) Overview of chemical engineering through discussion and engineering analysis of physical and chemical processes.
ENGR 25B. Biotechnology (3 Units) Biology and chemistry fundamentals
ENGR 50M. Intro to Materials Science, Biomaterials Emphasis (4 units) relationship between atomic structure and macroscopic properties of man-made and natural materials; mechanical and thermodynamic behavior of surgical implants
ENGR 80. Intro to Bioengineering (4 units) Overview of bioengineering focused on engineering analysis and design of biological systems

ENGR 90. Environmental Science and Technology (3 units) Introduction to environmental quality and technology of understanding environmental issues

ENGR 62. Intro to Optimization (A, S, 4 Units) Formulation and analysis of linear optimization problems

ENGR 40A/B. Introductory Electonics (W; 3/2 units) Overview of electronic circuits & applications taught in two parts over one quarter
ENGR 40M. Making Stuff: What is EE

ENGR 25E. Energy: Chemical Transformations for Production, Storage, and Use (3 units) An introduction and overview to the challenges and opportunities of energy supply and consumption.
ENGR 50E. Introduction to Materials Science - Energy Emphasis (4 units)
Materials structure, bonding and atomic arrangements leading to their properties and applications

ENGR 50. Intro to Materials Science, Nanotechnology Emphasis (4 units) The structure, bonding, & atomic arrangements in materials leading to their properties & applications.

ENGR 14. Introduction to Solid Mechanics (4 units) Introduction to engineering analysis using the principles of engineering solid mechanics.
ENGR 15. Dynamics (4 units) The application of Newton's Laws to solve static and dynamic problems, particle and rigid body dynamics, freebody diagrams, and writing equations of motion.

Computer Programming

ENGR 70A (same as CS 106A). Programming Methodology (5 units) Introduction to the engineering of computer applications
ENGR 70B (same as CS 106B). Programming Abstractions (5 units) Abstraction and its relation to programming. Uses the programming language C++
ENGR 70X (same as CS 106X). Programming Abstractions Accelerated (5 units) Intensive version of 106B

General Engineering
ENGR 10. Intro to Engineering Analysis (4 units) Integrated approach to the fundamental scientific principles that are the cornerstones of engineering analysis