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Technology in Society Courses 2024-25

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The Technology in Society Requirement

Engineering is a deeply social activity. It is shaped by social values, interests, and priorities; is increasingly practiced in complex social groups; and its fruits have important social effects in the political, economic, and cultural realms. Hence, the School of Engineering believes it is important that practicing engineers understand their ethical and social responsibilities. To this end, all undergraduate engineering majors must take one course devoted to exploring ethical and social issues and responsibilities arising from the interplay of engineering, technology, and society. 

Note: CE majors must take CEE 102A; MS&E AND ME majors must choose from among the courses marked “X” in the major columns. Students in other majors may choose from any of the following courses, although only CS and EPHYS majors may use CS 182W. 

WIM Note: Check individual major requirements to determine which courses will fulfill the University Writing in the Major (WIM) requirement .

CourseTitleQtrWAYS**UnitsCEMS&E ME
AA 252Techniques of Failure Analysis (for senior engineering students only)S-3 X   X
ANTHRO 132C (CSRE 132C)Technology and Inequality (last offered 2021) EDP5   
ARCHLGY 151 (CLASSICS 151)Ten Things: An Archaeology of DesignAA-II or SI3   
BIOE 131Ethics in BioengineeringSER3 X   X
BIOE 177/DESIGN 259Inventing the Future (limited enrollment; admission is by application)W 3   
CEE 102ALegal & Ethical Principles in Design, Construction, and Project Delivery (this is the only option for CE majors)W 3XX 
CEE 145EEquitable Infrastructure SolutionsW 3   

Engineering the Roman Empire

(Take for 5 units to fulfill TiS)

COMM 120WDigital Media in Society (last offered 2023) SI5 XX
COMM 166Virtual PeopleASI5   
CS 125 Data: Algorithms, Tools, Policy, and Societynot 24-25 3   
CS 152Trust and Safety EngineeringS 3 X 

CS 181 or 

CS 181W

Computers, Ethics and Public Policy

(WIM version; available only to CS or Engineering Physics majors

 ER4 X   X
CS 182Ethics, Public Policy, & Technological Change (Prerequisite: CS 106A/AX)WER5 X 
CS 182WEthics, Public Policy, & Technological Change (WIM for CS & EPHYS majors only) Enrollment limited to 100 (Prerequisite: CS 106A or AX)WER5   
CS 256Algorithmic Fairness  3   
CS 278Social Computing (SOC 174/274)S 4 X 
DATASCI 154Solving Social Problems with DataA 5   
EARTHSYS 125Shades of Green: Redesigning and Rethinking the Environmental Justice MovementsSED4 X 
ENGR 117 will not count if taken 2019-20  due to reduced units )Expanding Engineering Limits: Culture, Diversity, and Gender (last offered 2022)           ED         3 (must take for 3 units)            X 
ENGR 145Technology EntrepreneurshipA,W 4   
ENGR 148/248Principled Entrepreneurial DecisionsWER3 X 
ENERGY 177A+B (take both, for 3 units each)Engineering & Sustainable Development: Toolkit + Implementation W+SER3+3  X
EPS 194/204Technology, National Security, & SustainabilityA 4   
HUMBIO 174Foundations of Bioethics (NEW: all SoE majors except as restricted within specific programs are now allowed to use this course)WER3----X
MS&E 193Technology in National Security (last offered 2023)    XX
NBIO 101Social & Ethical Issues in the Neurosciences (by application only; must take for 3 units and a letter grade)SER3   
POLISCI 114SInt’l Security in a Changing WorldWSI5 X 
PUBLPOL 114Spies, Lies, and Algorithms (last offered 2023) SI5   
PUBLPOL 134Ethics on the Edge: Business, NPOs, Gov't, & Individuals (must take for a letter grade)SER3   
STS 1The Public Life of Science and TechnologyWA-II OR SI4 X 
STS 200JTechnometabolism: Technology, Society, and the AnthropoceneA 4   

**WAYS: A-II = Aesthetic/Interpretive Inquiry; CE=Creative Expression; ED=Engaging Diversity; ER=Ethical Reasoning; SI= Social Inquiry